Trees and choosing your fruit trees

Frequently asked questions from customers

  1. Do all trees and conifers produce fruit and buds?
  2. I want a tree, but I don't like collecting fruits or nuts, which one should I choose?
  3. Is it true that maple roots damage foundations and sewers?
  4. Why is my tree not turning its fall color?
  5. Should we continue to water a mature tree?
  6. Is it true that I need to plant 2 apple trees to have fruit?
  • Yes, trees all produce fruit in different forms. Just choose the right one to avoid large fruits (or nuts).
  • Nurseries have selected a few varieties of sterile trees or male plants, which will not bear fruit: male Gingko, the majority of honeylocust cultivars, Somerset and Celebration maples.

For answers to your questions, please call us at 450-658-1010 extension #261 or at the following email address: